jul 2, 2021

When are you gonna update the rewrite version of that. Weld looked up at the sky, tinged red and orange, marked by the distant plumes of planes. Off in the distance, a crane operated at the side of a skyscraper, the sun at its back. So this is a revisit of an old fic idea I had. Have a chappie. No handshake then. He stopped at his seat and with only the briefest moment of hesitation, held out his hand. "Alright, fine." One of the best fics I've ever read and it makes me weep that it's dead, "It's okay, Mr. Ethan. No reason to ruin this meeting any further. In 1-2 more chapters the S9 arc will push over 100,000 words and almost 1/4 of the story. She stood and turned to look at the sunset, her back to him. "All of them." Weld wondered if she was going to leap and tackle him. If Blackwell inexplicably picked up the stress-ball on her desk and lightly tossed it at my face, I probably wouldnt even reflexively blink until it hit me (much less dodge or catch the thing), that was how disassociating the outside perspective of myself was. "What do you mean by 'working order'? He asked. Taylor Hebert triggers with a rather strange ability, and this causes the domino effect across the events of Brockton Bay, where creatures of sexual lust and living make their home, and Taylor becomes the Breeder taking care of them. 5.7 Rondo You're a real tough cookie With a long history Of ruining the hope like whats in me 1.1 Adagio: A slow passage to introduce the setting. Taylor was in much the same way; her mom had died in a car accident because she had been texting and driving about a year before I met her. Contessa was using Taylor's trigger to remove her own restrictions and arrange the defeat of some of the world's worst villains. It was no wonder the East North East Protectorate had been infiltrated so easily. You never walked into the villain's lair without some sort of plan of attack. Par for this fic. No shading, no different lighting to give things nuances to their colors; I. Was interesting cause it went with the concept and I wanna give it a reread but can't remember what the rest of the fic was about. This seems like it's going to be a real good story. He's so distinctly not human, it's interesting to see how normal things that we take for granted fail to apply to him. Weld replied. "I can't reveal all the details, of course, but we've already secured a few contracts." Glowworm is a Worm fanfic written by redshirt. She leaned forward, her hand to her chest again, "But he's here. Since I was blind in my normal form and paper money all felt the same whether they were Washingtons or Benjamins, I had counted the money by going back and forth between my ghost world while hiding it. I dont want things like Taylor Varga or Monster or powers where she appears terrifying to others but is in reality harmless like Camera Shy. Taylor came around the table until she stood to the side of Weld. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". He hasn't even died. Yea, those are great horror, here's the first of the three snippets. Press J to jump to the feed. https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/worm-nine-lives-of-the-calico-new-litter-lucky-seven-complete.41492/. A Cauldron fic. She outspeeded Taylor's clap alchemy (in the tar pit) and then created several, seemingly quite complicated creatures, in the matter of seconds, some of them literally on the fly. Special Edition - Taylor is a powerful precog. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. LF Any fics where taylor is blind either due to trigger or power related or just naturally. Here's a list of Worm isekais . Taylors primary, strongest power is a Breaker state that she can only enter when not observed. Fanfic authors need to have the words "chuckle" and "smirk" taken away from them. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He proceeds to ride Hookwolf like a bronco, humiliating him and making him completely miss the fact that the Undersiders are looting everything not nailed down. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/LordDoom. Lord Doom is a Worm fanfiction posted on Spacebattles Dot Com, here. They would have to be. 14 Zusatz. Taylor vs Hookwolf. There is not much conflict ypu can have in a wheelchair. At about the time Taylor triggered, she collapsed to the ground - one fact that's known about Trigger Events is that they knock out every Parahuman in the immediate vicinity for a short time. The theatricality, the bravado, the utter disregard for the thoughts of others, Lord Doom was all that and more. Taylor as a vampire based primarily on the Malkavian from Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, with some. "I told you this this secret of mine because I want you to understand. "That's not what I meant.". Horror Alt!Power Taylor : r/WormFanfic - reddit Sure enough the Taylors at the assembly line worked like clockwork. ", Piggot closed her eyes and she relaxed all at once, practically sagging in the seat as she sighed. Time lapsed: 120 seconds. BlackHorse8986, Ventrisuriel, kevin0617, Jesienny, Yugonostalgia, Blizzardbob, Galaxy_Blaze, LostToLight, AngstApocalypse, SpookyOli, SpecGamer, Soyvolon, joker339, Dimasik841, General_Fiye, ABCelia, TheMultiverseTraveler, waves_under_stars, WDW, ava2607, waterflosser, WordForEveryStar, TheWatcher0711, taxemeEvasion, Psych0Geek, ZiaBlue, Peggysussy, Mitriss, Inclaireporeal, CopperGear, HP22h, Reko15, ruruwkzu, Amogo21, Glumski, Twei, Elbiguana, PinkPhysicist, Dragon_King_of_the_West, Bulder, sereminar, tambuli, Aselo, Epicgamer2034, legosif, halfcrazydoor, OrionVenator, CosmicPenguin, ChildGenius, Quebla, and 888 more users "Phones." Taylor put a hand to her chest. She waved a hand at the Taylors delicately fitting chips into small plastic cases. Red Queen/Taylor Hebert | Skitter - Archive of Our Own The third-person view of myself still made my movements awkward, my responses slower than a sighted person, with my visual reflexes being basically nonexistent. So many things to explore. When Taylors incorporeal form passes through time-locked objects, they appear to smear, like someone smudged a painting. ], Uber PoV of 1.9-1.13 [mostly canon-compliant! Is it crack? Oh yeah, there's some dead fic which has Taylor die in the locker and shows the consequences a few years later from the perspectives of others. Flames, where she uses illusionist powers to get around missing an eye. Two beetles crawled on a drunk man in what was probably the emergency room, off in the distance. The four year old glanced up, a bright smile on her face as she ran back to where her parents lay . If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Looking for Taylor meets Hookwolf at the gym. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. My story Chimera has Taylor with Grand Admiral Thrawn's memories which makes her a thinker. Weld closed the file and focused on the thrum of the helicopter's blades. He was fairly sure she was the same one that he had met at the hut, but the reality was she could have easily swapped places with any of her doppelgangers when he hadn't been looking. Very NSFW. Weld tried to focus on the buzz of the flourescent lights, but as far as white noise went, that was a little too quiet. Centipede (Tokyo Ghoul alt!power, dead), maybe. So far, Taylor's augments seem to work best if she's been applying her percussive skills beforehand, they need to test the limits of that. Queen of Owls reminds me of the Drukhari from 40K. I want things like Alma Wade!Taylor or Grudge or The Ring!Taylor or Dominion!Taylor. The Protectorate hadn't mentioned that in the file. Taylor frowned. As they headed down the hill, Weld glanced back at the Taylor that had been Danny Hebert and he saw that she was still standing at the edge of the hill. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/PathToMunchies. While your feet are stompin'. The screech of metal greeted Weld as he entered the warehouse. Still blind in one eye, though, fwiw. It's not exactly Thinker power (?) The first time that Taylor uses her power, which is Path To Victory, an unstoppable universe-computing power capable of altering the destiny of the planet, is to get cookies. Privacy Policy. Info@splgroup.co.in Info@splgroup.co.in And if I have to read "Then I went ghost" one more time I swear to GoD someone's getting hurt. taken, most of them involving pulling from other vampire media. Within this realm, Taylor is intangible, able to move freely in any direction at about the equivalent of a brisk jog and phase through solid objects. I eventually decided to appear in front of her, but close enough that the dangerous end of the long rifle was. Truthfully, I want them afraid of me. The power has too many nitpicks and conditions. Taylor had spent a lot of time and effort grilling her parents about it, and had come to the conclusion that villains operated exactlyas an outlaw did. Definitely a strong mover power, but a thinker primary. Contessa makes it clear to him with a single. She stood resolutely against the last light of the sun, her shadow stretching out towards him. My own fic Claim The Spoils has her with Victor's power, able to know what skills other people have and drain them from them. Very intense. As it was, Weld was walking in blind. Using this ability rapidly tires her. Once the Protectorate learned of this they'd be more afraid than ever. ", "I have to make it worth it, Weld." The hours I was in there had messed with my eyes and the last few days everything had gone from murky to just a mess of grays where any sort of light was painful. Dressed in slacks and a business shirt and jacket, coupled with the way she sat, she looked like she was sitting at a job interview. Eventually, it's revealed that her nickname is "Tessa," which is short for. "I suppose that's true." left kudos on this work! This is an informational threadmark discussing the overall premise of the fic, especially Taylors power. Delirium [Worm/VtMB][Alt-PoV][Complete] - SpaceBattles as well as Twenty feet away lay an anthill. Working on a Path that could let her bypass the restrictions on her power, the Path led her to get close to Taylor as her school librarian and new mentor, got her to build up a genuine, emotional rapport between them to get Path to Victory to "Bud" onto Taylor, then forced Contessa to put Taylor into a situation bad enough for her to Trigger while reminding her that her Path is forcing her to do this, the mental anguish causing Contessa to Second Trigger. I'm having trouble figuring out how this would mesh with the overall threat of Worm, so maybe this will be a short story in the universe? I mean I'm impressed." and Samara from the Ring got together in Silent Hill and decided to mix and match powers to grant Taylor. Taylor can see through her own eyes in her Breaker state, as her Thinker power causes her blindness and is disabled in Breaker form. She said with only a hint of a sigh. And if so, is there a difference in the power draw between active and passive participants? XXX Taylor sighed as she locked up the store. Personally I find the recent shipgirl invasion into the Worm fanfiction extremely pleasurable. She held a palm out. Taylor helps make cookies, but her power makes her make them right, so when Mrs. Abbotson takes the (many) cookies and baked goods to a bake sale, she rakes in $800. Weld sank in his seat. Please inform your superiors of our proposal. After everything else had gone so well, he had ruined it at the end. I slowly slooooowly turned around, cowl obscuring my head and robe obscuring my shuffling feet as I appeared to rotate in place to face the heroines direction. . But before she can make enough to be a serious hero, she'll need some starting capital, and that's much easier to do as a villain TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. "We all do our part, Weld. Taylor turned on her heel and headed for the door on her end of the hut. Lots of tiny drones. Contessa. Get insights SPL Payroll Outsourcing Pvt. It was easy to take Piggot's stand-offishness as hostility, but the reality was that this was a woman who had just lost everything. She held a palm out. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. As a result (and to further illustrate the Thinker ability by way of visualization), Taylor will always be looking at herself if she can see at all, since she only gets vision when in someones field of view. ", Weld's eyes widened and he turned to look at her. It's well, a Peggy Sue story, with pre-cannon (by a few months) Taylor having memories up to Leviathon (I think that's where it was, can't 100% remember), smol Skitter is just as scary but makes up for her lost height with misunderstandings everywhere. Like a winding river, it may flow past familiar shores or cut its own path through solid rock. It makes sense, since shards want their hosts to be active out and about, getting into conflict and such. Worm fanfic simurgh si - hgtvc.treviso-aug.it Definitely a strong mover power, but a thinker primary. Her dad had taken the incredibly intelligent and rational route of coping with this by denying his teenage daughter in Brockton Bay a cell phone for her safety. "We're working to rebuild some of the more important buildings damaged during the initial fighting." On screens (e.g., computer, TV, etc.) Further, Taylor is unable to locate Ms. Romano in the wake of the Locker, when she went missing, even with PtV, which a vanishingly small number of beings can do (but includes Eidolon, the Endbringers, and Scion). Cutting Ties - Taylor uses Jack Slash's Thinker power to make friends. First let me say that I really like this. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Percussive AOE healing? LORD DOOM WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT HIS NAME IS SPELLED WITH ALL CAPS.. Seems like were going to get another awesome story from ScottotheUnwise, nice! It also has the effect of putting Leet in reach of Contessa's machinations, reducing her ultimate plan by several steps. I noticed that Stormtigers defensive blast earlier had knocked some of my hair loose, and it hung down out of the thick hood. Since both of them were close to each other, both shard buds pinged off each other to communicate and modify each other, and the recursive modification caused a feedback loop that eventually caused Path to Victory to reset itself without any restrictions, She would deny until her dying day that she cried, almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea. Revenant. Skein is unfortunately dead, but I'd consider what's there probably the best use of a Thinker power I can think of in fanfic. Piggot looked out the window of the helicopter, watching the landscape blur past them. Afraid enough that they won't just attack when they think they can get away with it. So much more straightforward. She was on the wrong side of plain with her gangly frame and wide mouth. Camera Shy has a blind Taylor with the ability to see through other's eyes and time-stop-explore as her version of teleportation. Weaver Nine - This technically doesn't count since Taylor and Jack Slash switch places so it's a story from Jack's perspective if she was born in Taylor's place but naming this anyway since it has some Thinker power stuff going on. He glanced at Taylor and saw her looking down at her sundae, but her eyes were distant. Taylor informed him. "This was the most beneficial option. All Taylor had to do was touch the right person and every Taylor would have knowledge of how to get into the Protectorate database. Thoughts on solutions? 4. ". Well maam, we know he said a curse word and weve documented several different effects associated with the ones hes tested on., She checked her area for eavesdroppers, He can light things on fire with the F bomb and powder stone with Ass. "Taylor!" He called out, catching the girl's attention. It was huge, heavy and plastic, but it came complete with a headrest and armrests and that was more than Weld ever got. Day of the Tentacle, where she's a multiple amputee and tinkers up brain-controlled prosthetics. amber resin magical properties They are not affected in any way other than being pushed; the smear effect is likely just Taylors subjective experience of her power, or at most an effect confined to her Breaker-state world. Mind, I was already posting when I saw yours. Is it crack? Camera Shys Taylor is a grab-bag cape whose primary ability is a strange Breaker state. Its function is awkward and inconsistent enough that she still needs day-to-day professional assistance to go out in public. Silence answered him and Weld mentally berated himself. Contessa unlocked her Path To Victory Shard. And a disabled unpowered Taylor cannot really hold a fic bigger than a one-shot. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Taylor is correct that she is a grab-bag cape. "Why what? Weld reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Based it around the idea that observing a thing changes the thing. Scion and Eden were not mates, as much as they were a drug dealer and her bodyguard/best client - so she gets Blasto to make some weed and hands it to Scion. There are a few pact Alt!powers out ther you might want to check out. ", "I'd rather that not happen." For someone who isn't, it's a footnote about the person unless they're extremely close to them. This work could have adult content. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My name is Taylor. She gestured for him to sit. Taylor helps make cookies, but her power makes her make them. ", Weld glanced up at Piggot, "Is this everything?". ", "A threat." Whereas Taylor had an actual chair you might expect in an office, Weld only had a solid plastic block, even then the chair groaned as he rested his weight against it. Can I get a link? End result: uninjured Taylor, dogs saved, four guards unconscious and tied up and Hookwolf impaled with two rebar spears, hooked up to a generator and turned into a nightlight. He said, "Then I guess we're done here. When Taylor phases through objects, they appear to "smear" along the direction of her movement as if someone had smudged a painting. Weld added quickly, "Amazed, even. Confirmed, power that seems tailored to disrupting cameras so that she can use her main power actually needed. It was tiny from where he stood. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! This power blocks her from using her own eyes, and if nobody is currently looking at her she is blind. Taylor cannot enter her Breaker state while observed, and she cannot exit her Breaker state if so doing would cause her to be observed. The sun reflected off his chrome skin with a bright sheen. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/gnawing-gorgon-worm-stranger-things.872206/. She doesn't officially join the group, but she works with them extensively and exclusively. When Lord Doom steals Armsmaster's tinkertech motorcycle, promptly crashes it, and then flies away into the sky while laughing, "Armsmaster said some things that were probably not PR approved." Taylor (presumably) haunts them, someone dies I think. I've read most of the other fics recommended so far, and they are all great. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. I can't think of any story where it's just 'Taylor in a wheelchair, living normally'. The original story had a similar meeting, but with Contessa and Taylor's positions exchanged. I suppose youre the Protectorates representative? She said more than she asked. Is it different from my other fics? Why hold back the sleeper cells? The Breaker power is pickier, and though this sounds overly verbose I think the best way to describe it is: If whatever medium either a human or human-analogue is using to perceive visual input has directly bounced off an object, that object cannot be taken into the ghost world. Well, maybe it is more to the tune of a Slaanesh Horde of Chaos Marines. What happens when, for the first time in the history of the universe, there's a shard that is actually trying to help? Or tinkered prosthetics that work the same as or better than what she had before. Another concern is that the language might be repetitive, but theres only so many ways I can say I entered/exited ghost world/form/state or I can/cant see where someone is/isnt observing before I start having to re-use words haha. A much better version in my opinion, this one actually has things happening in it! Why Did Bach Go Blind? - Pacific Standard "And they're" Weld coughed, "You're all fine with this? Her second power allows her to cause momentary disruptions in electronic systems: Lights flicker, cameras momentarily go to static, etc. The Taylors didn't just replace their hosts, they subsumed them. ", Taylor frowned at him before turning back to the sunset. And considering how clannish the misfits of the Band have to be just to survive it will be interesting to see where this goes. "Penny for your thoughts? Taylor vs Squealer vs Oni Lee. Contessa is mildly annoyed that she's gained a few pounds because of Taylor, but takes it in good humor. People needed time to rest, to center, to refocus. LORD DOOM IS MERCIFUL. Might wander into crack territory from time to time. Taylor tinkers up drones, pushing New Wave back into the fray. Mauling Snarks technically has her with a Trump power, but I feel like she uses it to function more as a Thinker 75% of the time. Still the folder seemed remarkably thin for what the media was calling "the next Nilbog. Hmm I'm interested to see where you're going with this lot of different things you could do. "Not a very fair question, is it?" Using her Shaker ability is tiring, despite the weak effect. I know I can. Camera Shy [Worm] [Alt-Power] - SpaceBattles Taylor says that if she pushes herself very hard, she can actually blow out bulbs, but that is the strongest feat she has accomplished. Title says it all, it was a fic where Taylor met Brad, Melody and Stormtiger (forgot what his name was) at a gym masks off and formed a sort of friendship. In all likelihood, her job was next. Camera Shy is a Worm alt-power fic by TheGreatGimmick. Work Search: Go Gently by Shana the Short (23 chapters, 74k words, last updated: 21st Apr, 2015) Reign by TP Knight (1 chapter, 2.1k words, one-shot) If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Piggot handed the file to Weld and he took it. Taylor's power is like the Cenobites, Amara from F.E.A.R. For more information, please see our 40 Last chance for Weld to back out. One fitting a piece together and passing it along just as the other finished. "Honestly, this is pretty surreal right now. When she re-enters the normal world, anything smeared will be pushed along the direction of the smear. Intrepid, where she effectively has locked-in syndrome until Faultline arranges for a tinkered suit to compensate. When determining whether Taylor is or will be 'observed' for the purposes of allowing/disallowing her to transform to and from her Breaker state, Taylor's Breaker power is much more lenient regarding what 'counts' as 'looking at Taylor', compared to her Thinker power. El Ahrairah - Power anaylsis. "Are you already aware of my rules?". But I have to agree that is was great. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Nice to meet you, Weld. "If you don't mind," Taylor spoke and Weld turned to look at her. In one of her "how-to-defeat-Kaiser" paths, Taylor mentions that propelling manhole covers leads to Alabaster becoming a wreck whenever he hears the, When Taylor does a Path about how to register in the PRT, she asks for tea and is given something that is. Or what was left of it. Weld reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. In his most even voice, Weld spoke. Contessa says she does not know, and decides to fully confess all her. 43 Kudos: 125 Bookmarks: 33 Hits: 2730 tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Therapy is a Worm Fanfic by frommerman. He thought of sailors washing up on the shore on an island of Amazons. "I haven't, I swear. Two o'clock in the morning was not the 'happening' time to commit a crime, apparently. --it does have a different title, so yes. "Right." It was hard to make that connection seeing a dozen of the girls working to repair a building. "This and no weapons to speak of." liberties . A Corpse in the Graveyard [Worm][CYOA v6][OC][AU][Canon Divergence], Last Knight on Earth Bet [Post-GM][Ward][Canon Divergence]. Also, is she limited to just one boost at a time, or can she train to split her focus across more than one? As Weld walked further downhill, she faded from view. However, due to being somewhat high on painkillers when she figures it out, she believes she has a strange limit all plans she makes must in some way involve food. Weld leaned back, setting the file down. "We're on schedule to get the city back in working order in a matter of weeks. Glow-worm (Fanfic) - TV Tropes Day of the Tentacle, where she's a multiple amputee and tinkers up brain-controlled prosthetics. "We're working to get more of the process automated, so we can free up more of ourself for more contracts, but as it is, demand is high.". Taylor the Farmer, a Worm + Stardew Valley Crossover fanfic | FanFiction She looked over her shoulder, clearly annoyed. The fic ends with Taylor asking Contessa if her plans were worth it, while Contessa answers she does not know. Dec 22, 2020. Burn just started, but has a psychic Taylor, If you count PtV, there's always Path to Munchies. It was two dozen or so pages. From the start he had been a mask Taylor could put on that would let her confront the world. ], Triumph's First Encounter [could be canon? Taylor's consciousness disperses into her swarm, and actions from the Protectorate push her away from the Wards. She can process numerous separate perspectives on herself without issue. Still, her advice had been sound and Weld used the ambient white noise to clear his thoughts. 2. My fic https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/worm-nine-lives-of-the-calico-new-litter-lucky-seven-complete.41492/ where Taylor starts out with spheres of perception that she begins to affect reality as well. And if you're concerned about some sort of class system," She pointed to the girl who had first slowed the assembly line. Due to Contessa essentially using Taylor's Trigger as a way to jailbreak her own Shard, the two start getting overlap and minor nudges from each other. The words came out strained. Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend. Hopefully, with the Protectorate.". Weld said tightly as he followed the worker Taylor's lead. Things are changed beforehand and echoed through the dotted lines of the stations, but not tied to them. Since Taylor and Contessa triggered simultaneously and nearby, Taylor's bud tried to ping off Contessa and Contessa's shard tried to ping off Taylor, causing the Shard to think it was somehow pinging itself and go into a feedback loop until it disabled the restrictions in order to figure out what had happened and fix it. One of the construction worker Taylor's repeated, she had a black smudge across her cheek. It's interesting to see an alt Taylor who doesn't have major league powers. Her Shaker power passively causes static to appear for any cameras viewing her when she comes. They wore comically over-sized hard hats and were all as thin as the girl leading Weld, but they worked together in perfect unison. Intrepid, where she effectively has locked-in syndrome until Faultline arranges for a tinkered suit to compensate. 1.3 Adagio Three Capes a Caping, Two Good Friends, One Majorette and a New Face is Meeting Our T. Combat Ready Piggot I want to see how this plays out. Taylor Inverse, a Slayers + Worm Crossover fanfic | FanFiction

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blind taylor worm fanfic